Arjunvir Singh's profile

Basic Print Design

B A S I C   P R I N T   D E S I G N

What you see here are some of the prints that I developed during a four week print design module in college. The project ranged from developing simple buta (motif) repeats to jaals (all-over surfaces). 
The first surface is a buta repeat which was supposed to be made by using forms which are not very conventional or floral. So I decided to work with one of my favourite duos, chai and Parle-G!

The following print was supposed to be an all-over developed in four colours (plus white). 
Right below the main surface one can see the co-ordinates for the same.
The theme for the next print was 'water lilies'. It was originally made in watercolours which was later posterised digitally to reduce the print into six colours.
Some colourways developed for the same print.


Guides : Romanie Jaitley
             Sucharita Beniwal

T H A N K  Y O U  :)
Basic Print Design


Basic Print Design

A basic print design project that aimed at developing surfaces ranging from buta (motif) repeats to jaals (over-all prints).
