Tomasz Król's profileKrólestwo Designu's profile

Komunikacja Miejska Kraków

Krakow's public transport for years requires a thorough change. It is struggling with the problem of brand inconsistencies. On many graphic elements we can see different logotypes. I decided to change it and design one consistent brand that will be recognizable and intuitive for people who are just starting to travel by public transport.

| Design process​​​​​​​ |

| Structure of Brands​​​​​​​ |

| Information materials |​​​​​​​

| Brand book |
Komunikacja Miejska Kraków

Project Made For

Komunikacja Miejska Kraków

Komunikacja Miejska Kraków. Stworzenie spójnej marki dla KMK. Create consistent brand for public transport in Cracow
