CSG plaquette 16—17

Graphic Design

CSG plaquette 16 — 17
A new Pantone cultural brochure
for the Lyon structure

🇫🇷 Seconde réalisation de la plaquette annuelle du Centre Social et Socioculturel de Gerland (Lyon 7e). Nous avons gardé l’âme de l’édition précédente et avons réinventé un univers, cette fois-ci, un cocktail vitaminé ! Place à la fête.

🇺🇸 Second annual edition for the Centre Social et Socioculturel de Gerland (Lyon, France). We kept the soul of the previous brochure, and we reinvented a graphic universe, this year it's a vitamin cocktail ! Let's get the party started.

Printed by : APO en 250g/m - Pantone 811U
Format : A5 / 16 pages
Client : Centre social et socio-culturel de Gerland, Lyon, France.
Fonts : Parade + Akkurat

Now Featured on Graphic Design Gallery, thanks a lot guys !​​!

🔥 Our prints are available here ! 🔥

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoy
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CSG plaquette 16—17

Project Made For

CSG plaquette 16—17

Second annual edition for the Centre Social et Socioculturel de Gerland (Lyon, France). We kept the soul of the previous brochure, and we reinven Read More
