"Global Issues Illustrated"

The project includes a collection of illustrations created by Artists of the world that tell global issues.
This project was created by Matteo Quartucci

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Author name: Matteo Quartucci
Work name: Censorship internet
Technique: pencil on paper with digital coloration
Work description: It is not what we see but it is what they want us to see. The illusion created to rule.

Author name : Petrova Anastasya (Martlet)

Work name : "Any Time Is Tea Time"

Technique : Digital art/Mixed media 

Work description : "The subject of this illustration is social hypocrisy which is expressed in a selective indifference. We're outraged when acts of violence and injustice happen right before our eyes. We're horrified when bombs fall on the roof next door. But what if the explosions are too far to hear? If the war isn't knocking on your door, does it mean there's nothing to worry about? And should we keep our eyes tight shut until the blast wave will come close enough to blow our houses down?"
Author name : Arthur Demonet
Work name : Saved
Technique : Charcoal
Work description : Humans killed this planet. 
These three smokestacks are an illustration of our gift to the Earth. 
Between these smokes, we can see Animals, the only who deserved to be save. 
Author name : Kate Steiner
Work name : The Golden Moment
Technique : Pencil, graphite powder on paper 
Work description : We are always so focused on the past or future ... lets try living in the NOW!'
Author name (or alias) :  Violette Coudel
Work name : Préjudice
Technique : Pencil
Work description : Violence against women

Author name : Kieran Burr
Work name : Feed the Beast
Technique : Rotring pen 
Work description : The drawing deals with the lack of respect towards the environment. By turning a baby into a giant, I wanted to depict humanity's immaturity, still at early ages, feeding of from the living creatures and the environment itslef. The amount of dead animals and trash shows that whatever we build from nature itself, will return impact it in the nastiest way possible. 
Author name : MFarte
Work name : Lack of Love
Technique : Pencil
Work description : We live in a world where respect, tolerance, protection and solidarity are being lost. This lack of values only brings disunion, selfishness and disinterest; becomes us
deaf and blind, incapable to construct anything good for humanity. Love is necessary to become aware of the social/global problems.  It has to be the energy that moves us to find the way to fix them.

Author name: Joseph Colban
Work name : Café Mandalar
Technique : Ink
Work description : A crowded bar in a near future city. Synthetic, mechanical, automatized. Comfy?

"Global Issues Illustrated"

"Global Issues Illustrated"

This project was founded with the idea of use the art with the objective to tell global issues (social, cultural, natural etc etc). The Artist is Read More
