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ملتقى ومعرض ليبيا الدولي الحادي عشر للأتصالات والتقنية

The technical program of the Libya International Communications and Information Technology Forum and Exhibition (TAQNYA 2023) is stronger and more educational than ever before.
With a wide range of sessions on the latest technologies and disciplines, including:
▪️Artificial intelligence
▪️Cloud computing and cybersecurity
▪️Deep space communications, quantum computing, and more.
The program will also include lectures, workshops and panel discussions on adopting emerging technologies and building a sustainable ICT ecosystem with best practices for companies, governments and individuals.
ملتقى ومعرض ليبيا الدولي الحادي عشر للأتصالات والتقنية


ملتقى ومعرض ليبيا الدولي الحادي عشر للأتصالات والتقنية
