We are super happy and proud to have worked with the Atlantic Labs team on their full relaunch, which included a rebranding and a revamp of their website and their overall look! 

Branding, Design and Development by Dreamers

June - July 2020

An Evolving Brand

While trying to abstract the core values behind what it means to be a VC, we quickly realized that unpredictability, uncertainty and the need to adapt to survive are just as present on the Investor's side, as those of the startups. 

In their own way, VCs are still taking big risks by trying to navigate an unknown space, pretty much like startups do.

Driven by these core realizations, we designed Atlantic Labs' new identity based on the concept of an everchanging, ever mutating organism that is never the same. The new logo is an organic undefined shape which changes all the time, just like Atlantic Labs does in order to survive and adapt to the market.

A Versatile Identity

When applied to the various contexts where the brand lives, it is easy to see how versatile the new identity is. The brand is mostly working with a combination of Petrol tones and white, whenever a more serious look and feel is needed. But when it is allowed to shine, the palette expands to brighter tones of Blue and Turquoise, which are the base material for everything marketing and internal communication / merchandise.

An Expressive Identity

When applied to the merchandise, the marketing material and the posters, the normally cleaner look and feel leaves room for a bolder, younger and much stronger identity. This dual nature is the same that Atlantic Labs faces everyday, juggling between meetings with members from the german corporates, and meetings with younger and bolder founders. 

The need for being able to express themselves and communicate with these very different audiences, gave birth to the very flexible spectrum in which the brand can live.

A Performing Website

Last but not least we designed and developed a fully custom website on Contentful, which seamlessly connects with the HR software and published the new job offerings automatically from the API.

Needless to say the website is fully responsive and also includes a dark/light mode switch.

Wrap-Up and Results

This project took place over the summer and the new brand was successfully launched at the end of July (Including our logo printed on cakes and muffins at the official brand launch!!). (We're secretly very proud of having been featured on a cake.)

It has been reported and increase of around 700% in terms of pageviews and incoming job proposals.

So if you also need a brand revamp and an overnight 3-digits increase for your online stats, get in touch with us ;).

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Atlantic Labs


Project Made For

Atlantic Labs
