Eastpak - bags, luggage & apparel - branding guerrilla
RInnovare il posizionamento storico e consolidato del brand con azioni spettacolari e provocatorie nel contesto urbano. Creare e mobilitare una community che condivida i valori chiave di Eastpak. 
Utilizzare le forme di aggregazione del web 2.0, il word-of-mouth e il guerrilla mktg per creare un vero movimento legato a Eastpak, che si mobilita in eventi-lampo (flashmob) di enorme visibilità mediatica come il Soft Fight Club di Milano, la più grande battaglia di cuscini all’aperto mai realizzata in Italia.
L’operazione è stata premiata con l’oro nella categoria Guerrilla Marketing agli NC Awards 2007.
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Caleidos per Eastpak: advertising – guerrilla marketing – stickering – viral marketing – ambient – outdoor – below the line – influencer marketing – web – multimedia newsmaking – eventi –consumer generated content management

Eastpak - bags, luggage & apparel - branding guerrilla

Renovate the well-established and historical positioning of Eastpak brand with spectacular and provocative actions in an urban environment.  Create and mobilize a community who shares the key-values of Eastpak.
Use the aggregation forms of web 2.0, word-of-mouth and guerrilla marketing to create a true movement linked to Eastpak, that mobilize for flashmobs with enormous mediatic visibility, such as the Soft Fight Club of Milan, the greatest street pillow fight ever seen in Italy. 
The operation was awarded the gold prize at the 2007 NC Awards for the Guerrilla Marketing category.

Caleidos for Eastpak: advertising – guerrilla marketing – stickering – viral marketing – ambient – outdoor – below the line – influencer marketing – web – multimedia – newsmaking  events – consumer-generated content management
Eastpak Flashmob

Eastpak Flashmob

Eastpak - bags, luggage & apparel - branding guerrilla
