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NASA Langley Apprentice Program seal and ring design

NASA Langley Apprentice Program seal and ring design

The first NACA apprentice school, created at Langley in 1941, initially mirrored industrial programs of that era. Over time, the work/study techniques employed there have required the introduction of an ever-growing sophistication in technical curriculums to support a variety of missions that are quite often literally out of this world. Currently, another educational transition to support the nation's aerospace and environmental programs in the 21st century is underway at LaRC.
Graduates of this apprentice program have profited greatly from their training, and they have contributed much to the day-to-day achievements of this famous and highly successful aerospace organization. Numerous LaRC apprentice graduates have attained responsible management positions and have been, and are, innovators and leaders in important NASA technological developments.

Their apprenticeship included 8,000 hours of on-the-job training, an Associate of Science Degree and SpaceTec certification. Since 1943, there have been 1,450 apprentice graduates at the Center.

The rings were well received as a proud symbol of the graduate's accomplishments and achievements, and as a symbol of personal growth upon the entrance into another life stage.
The logo design represents NASA's continuing research in earth, science, aeronautics, space, and beyond.

Harlen Capen (NASA photographer)
NASA Langley Apprentice Program seal (copy edited for ring)
NASA Langley Apprentice Program seal and ring design


NASA Langley Apprentice Program seal and ring design
