Childhood week 2020- Summer

Childhood Week is a 2 week event organised by Beatrice Blue distributed in 2 separate weeks along the year: One for Summer, one for Winter. We are given prompts in the form of words each day and have to create a visual of it. The main goal is to remember and show to each other our childhood with either paintings, photographs, anything fun! 
I decided to share some of my precious childhood memories from Chicago, USA. I depicted myself in the illustrations when I was a child.

To see this project with my original childhood pictures check out my 
1. Pact 
Every year on Halloween me and my little brother used to dress up and go for trick or treating
2. Fresh
 I loved to take a shower every now then and I had this rubber duck which was my favorite
3. Mission
I always keenly used to watch ant lines for hours and felt like they are teaming up and going for a mission
4. Team
My toys were my team. And I used to be the leader 
5. Thunder
I was always terrified from bees and it was not less scarier than thunderstorms
6. Power
I had a bike back then and me and my little brother used to ride it all along. I used to feel the most powerful one riding it
7. Summer little me
Every summer we used to go for apple picking at the farm. I always enjoyed this experience
Childhood week


Childhood week
