Thaissa Resek's profile

The King of the Golden Mountain

Meu projeto final de faculdade (UFF - Cinema).

Resolvi fazer uma animação em homenagem à Lotte Reineger, uma animadora alemã, que fazia animações de recorte de contos de fadas, e eu sempre gostei das animações dela =)
O conto que eu escolhi é "O Rei da Montanha de Ouro", dos Irmãos Grimm. Foi preciso fazer uma adaptação, claro. Fiz o filme meio na correria, a data de entrega estava bem apertada quando comecei a animar de fato, acabei gastando muito tempo na pré produção. Achei que a animação ficou um pouco "enferrujada", mas eu fiz o que deu com o pouco tempo que tive. Mas deu tudo certo no final!
This was my final project at my college. I chose to do an animation instead of an live action. It was a bit of an homage to Lotte Reineger, a German animator who used to make fairy tales animations on sillhouetes.
It was all made in After Effects CS6.
I choose a tale from the Brothers Grimm, The King of the Golden Mountain. I've made some ajustments concerning the story, to adaptad it into an animation model.

I animated it in a bit of a hurry, because my deadline was running out... I spent a lot of time in the pre-production, so I had a short time for the production itself. The animation is a bit "rusty", but that's what I could do within the time I had.
I'm happy because it was chosed to be on 3 international festivals: Anima Mundi, the 33rd Munich International Festival of Filmschools and the 6a Muestra Escuelas CIBA-CILECT.
The King of the Golden Mountain

The King of the Golden Mountain

My graduation animation project. Based on the tale from the Brothers Grimm, The King of the Golden Mountain is a homage to the work of the Germa Read More
