Diana Serbanescu's profile

Tarkovsky`s 'Solaris' Movie Poster

Tarkovsky`s 'Solaris' Movie Poster
Inspired by the Polish school of graphic design in movie posters.
Experimental art direction combining digital and traditional media.
Some early thumbnails, looking for that illusive muse of abstract design.
More searching...I decided the theme I wanted to illustrate was that of 'Mirrors'.
We go ll the way to space to find someone to reflect us back towards ourselves!
BTW, I did in fact buy a mirror, had it cut in vertical strips, printed out movie stills and then took photos of the result. The cat loved it, me not so much. It sounded cool in theory, but the final result was more 'noir detective movie' and less 'commentary on the nature of human consciousness, in space'.
This, however, looked promising!
So I started from scratch and made a linocut of the main character (stylized). 
Shoutout to my art buddy Iris for helping me out with the linocut, my fingers are intact because of you :)

I purposefully chose to imprint with watercolor instead of ink because of all the imperfections. 
Kinda looks like a Rorschach test, doesn`t it? Hmmmm!
A bit more playing around in Photoshop and there we go! The final result.
Tarkovsky`s 'Solaris' Movie Poster

Tarkovsky`s 'Solaris' Movie Poster

Tarkovsky`s 'Solaris' Movie Poster inspired by Polish Art Direction
