This concept in no way represents the views of NIKE ACG. It's done purely for educational purposes.

Nowadays, more than 235 million people across all ages and backgrounds suffer from asthma. This condition is present in their daily lives and more precisely during sports activities and in harsh physical environments (Pollution, pollen, dust, cold weather…). These factors don’t encourage the asthmatic to practice sports.
Despite everything, endurance sports helps them to understand themselves better, manage their condition and build confidence in sports activities.

ACG AERODRFT is a range of performance gear equipped with a discreet heating system on the chest to help dilate bronchus and therefore ease breathing during their sports activities.​​​​​​​

This experience provides the asthmatics great support during asthma triggers while enabling them to progress in their activities without any kind of stigmatization.

What's Behind?

3M  Reflective Technology
Be visible at night

We created a range as we believe in inclusiveness and so does Nike ACG
Black edition, paying homage to the roots of ACG brand and former creative director Errolson Hugh​​​​​​​.
Leisure edition is inspired by the thought where AERODRFT can be used beyond just the asthmatic in fact everyone living in the cities because climate and pollution is a major issue to worry about today.

Thanks for your valuable time :)
We definitely enjoyed working on this project 
and would love to know your thoughts on it
