Jainee Shah's profile

Watercolour Illustrations

Watercolour Illustrations

During the pandemic, I was stuck at home, with college being shut and the situation quite difficult, life became daunting. I decided to change my perspective and look at things in a optimistic light.
''I was given the gift of time''
I began water-colouring and exploring this medium as a way to achieve mental peace as well as hone my skills. Below are some explorations and illustrations.
The Soviet Union,  was quite different from the rest of the world, be it tradition, culture or even climate  and geography. An aspect of this was their impeccable and exquisite architecture that left its mark throughout the state. The 'onion dome' is very distinctive and unique feature which makes a structure easily recognizable as Russian. Inspired by this very form, I created a set of watercolour artworks.

Food for thought
The poetry of flowers
Watercolour Illustrations


Watercolour Illustrations

Illustrating Russian churches and their understanding their architectural style. Watercolour on paper.
