Medicine Reserch Barcelona 

The UAB research group in conservation medicine WildCoM asks us for "a logo".

In this case, we could start by making the logo but we would also have to make a style manual for its use and extend the project, then, make a corporate image.
The research field of this institution is the study of wildlife health from a population point of view. We mainly focus on infectious diseases and how they affect the conservation of certain endangered species. Its scientific activity is currently developed in 4 specific lines of work: Amphibians, Bats, Vultures, Pyrenean Ecosystem.

So I decided to make a moodboard to know what I was dealing with and to get inspiration, as well as a search of references in this kind of research sites to know what graphic image they used.
In this first image we can see the process of ideation of the logo, that is, the most final sketches.
The idea came from the word Wildcom, since it was the general word of the project and the name of this one. So I tried to put the first and last letters together as it was a "w" and an "m" I thought it would be effective because they are very similar in structure, just in different positions.
When I put them together I saw that the composition seemed to be a fairly organic form and that I could connect with nature easily.
For the choice of typeface I finally chose Montserrat Alternates black as the basis of the symbol and for the typography of the whole logo I used Poppins Medium 36pt (Wildcom) and Poppins Regular 18pt (Medicine reserch  Barcelona)
I also decided to develop another proposal from the same logo, but with some changes in the symbol of it. In this image we can see that the "WM" is divided, but not without any reason, but if we realize they look like animals.
In my case I decided to make a logo with which the symbol could be carried out a dynamic graphic image, that is, using the symbol in a fun and meaningful way, leaving it as a creative space of the research association of the UAB. 
I proposed that this didactic theme to be treated with textures of animals that treat or will treat in the future, linking their contribution to animals and fauna in a subtle but significant way.
In the image above we can see how the logo would look on the computer screen or as a possible header of the website. Depending on the background image the logo can be used in different colors and positions. The idea is to generate a contrast so that the logo stands out in relation to the image and can be seen clearly.
In the image above we can see how the second logo would look on the computer screen or as a possible header of the website. 
The images above represent objects in which the logo could be embodied in different formats.



Corporative Image and Logo
