Leisan Arslanova's profile

Baikal Mile speed record

We are the EMP Moscow team of Moscow Polytechnic University and we made an electric motocycle in 4 months specially for an event called "Baikal Mile". 

This was a really hard work for us and here I'll show my part of work as I made the design for this beast. The other technical part was made by my teammates and we would be glad to answer all your questions about it's specifictaions.
Inside there would be a huge battery so I had to draw a sketch with place in reserve inside of the motorcycle. 
And here it is!
I started making the 3d model in Alias and it was completely different from this one. The guys had to make it faster, so I had to handle it to them and here what it turned into.
And yeah, we set the world record on ice for 210 km/h! I think those 4 months were not wasted at all :) Next step we'll try to set the record on asphalt (maybe this summer) and we need to improve it a bit according to our pilots' comments. 

Thank you for attention!
I also thank my team for this opportunity and our pilots - Anastasia Nifontova and Mikhail Mikhin for their courage and support!
Baikal Mile speed record


Baikal Mile speed record

Electric motorcycles made by students which had set a world record on ice!
