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I Need Love single cover

This is the single cover for the song 'I need love' by Dewy Sinatra. 
I designed this in 20 minutes after many hours of research. 
I found inspiration from the song itself, hearing the spaced out vocals aloud me to make the words on the cover spaced out.
I made 'I need love' red so that they would clearly standout, indicating to the viewer that 'I need love' is the name of the single. 
The rest of the text forms a subtle story explaining the heart of Mr Sinatra. 
Lastly, despite the rough font and awkwardly spaced text, at the bottom right Dewy's name is signed perfectly.  What does that say about his character? Maybe he is rough on the inside but puts on a show of being perfect?
Listen to the song, it is a relatable cry for love.
I Need Love single cover

I Need Love single cover

The official single cover for 'I Need Love' by Dewy Sinatra
