IDB Group branding
Year: 2018-2019

When I started working at the Inter-American Development Bank, I learned that IDB is a family of three Multilateral Development Organizations (IDB, IDB Invest and IDB Lab). However, the IDB Group was an abstract concept that circulated more like a rumor than a reality. Shortly after I was hired, I conceived the idea that the IDB Group should have a visual identity of its own. In order to bring this conception into reality, my team has fostered agreement with key parties to establish the importance of IDB visually presenting itself as a group. I led several brainstorming sessions with a large multidisciplinary team, after which my conception for the IDB Group’s identity was selected and approved by the external communications department as well as approved by the IDB's President’s Office.

During the process of thinking about the IDB Group identity, the private sector of the bank as well as the innovation lab were also creating their own brands. I incited the conversation regarding consistency throughout IDB Group's brands, and the result was as follows:
As of June 2020, the IDB Group doesn't have an official website. Two months ago I created a proposal for a landing page, which would explain what the group is to the general audience, and also serve as an entryway to specific topics of the Group:
I was not the creative director of the following social media campaigns, but the following are examples on how the branding is already being used by other communicators at the bank:
Other publications that have used the IDB Group logo because they represent the three organizations are the Institutional Strategy, The Development Effectiveness Overview and the Country Profiles:
As part of the branding process for the Group, we also created the guidelines for unifying the logos of the three institutions. This alignment provides visual coherence throughout the brands: 
IDB Group branding

IDB Group branding
