Brandon Hurst's profile

The Quarantine Effect

COVID-19! Although I was all for being locked down at home, working of projects, watching Netflix, that changed as we got deeper into the quarantine, I felt my creativity slipping, I was sleeping more, staying up late and snacking here and there. projects were due and the motivation to do them wasn't there.Then another cop killing an unarmed black man didn't make things better. Then the burins of cities happened, looting rioting and police using excessive force on peaceful protesters, which made matters even worse not only for me as a creative but also as a young black man. so in the project you will see me in various forms during this pandemic, all photos were shot on an iPhone 11. 
When going back and forth to the fridge and finding nothing new has been brought, so you just stand there staring at the light. 
When various trips to Target, wine shopping is the highlight of your day/ week. 
Then you finally get up and go get groomed, so you don't look like the quarantine got the best of you. 
The Quarantine Effect

The Quarantine Effect

Self-portraits shot on iphone11


Creative Fields