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MINI Cooper Concept Campaign

MINI Cooper Conceptual Campaign
International Branding Workshop (HAW Hamburg, Germany)

The International Branding Workshop paired CSULB designers with fellow student designers from HAW Hamburg. During this intensive 2-week course, the task was to create a conceptual campaign on a fictional autonomous MINI Cooper.

As a team, we spent the first week developing a concept, User empathy maps, and establishing copy for the campaign. Our second week focused on designing and execution. Our final campaign was presented to brand consulting agency Landor Hamburg.


It was important that our goal focused on how we could aim our brand towards a millennial audience. As a group we discussed the similarities between Los Angeles and Hamburg based on our experiences living in each city: we concluded that both are a busy city known for its traffic and lack of parking. It became apparent that most people who work in the city spend hours in the week stuck in traffic.


Based on our discussion, we decided the core idea of our brand would revolve around the “moving millennial” – our audience is someone who is always on-the-go, and wants to get tasks done while inside their autonomous MINI Cooper, expanding productivity instead of wasting time stuck in traffic.

Final logotype design

The name "eMotion" has multiple meanings. It implies feelings of excitement as well as dynamic, forward movement. Our logo combines three important aspects of the car itself: “electric”, “power”, and “motion”.

Mini is an ever-evolving brand that prides itself in their unique, fun-loving audience. It was crucial to create a brand that attracts an audience who is serious about their work, but always embraces their youthfulness.

Our strategy was to center the campaign around “e-words”, which highlights and leverages our brand name. The video advertisement also acted as a "teaser" to pique the audience’s interest in the upcoming brand, while awaiting a final reveal of the vehicle.

Advertisement posters features the skylines of both Hamburg and Los Angeles. We created a fun environment for our audience by integrating a bold chartreuse color and playful illustrations.

This campaign was created alongside a small group of students during an international workshop in 2019 in Hamburg, Germany. All group members contributed to the ideation, development, and design process. Design responsibilities were distributed evenly.

My specific responsibilities:
1. Concept and execution of final logotype
2. Car emblem rendering
3. Car image retouching

*Skyline illustrations created by a fellow group member, however, city posters and bus stop image have been slightly re-designed and edited by me, post-workshop. 
MINI Cooper Concept Campaign


MINI Cooper Concept Campaign
