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Do we need organic farms?

Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash
As much as it is an intriguing subject, I have never really come to terms with the question of whether or not we need organic farms. This article aims to shed some light on the subject and to get a few things clear in a vague manner. It will try to give you a healthy perspective on the issue and to help you find a sense of direction towards your future. Also, in my opinion, organic food is no different to organic farming and no reason to fear of organic farming being replaced by some strange "naturally-grown" vegetable.

First of all, I believe that the most important thing to understand about this matter is that a lot of fear is attached to this topic, mostly because there is so much talk about it everywhere. The fear is so much exaggerated that many people are willing to overlook some very important things in order to be able to cope with it. All that should be considered in depth is the real facts about organic farming and the benefits of organic farming to mankind.

In today's society, if a person can demonstrate his usefulness in society and to the point where he earns money out of it, then he has a "right" to demand a share of the economic pie. This kind of rationale applies to most industries and also to farming, because the more productive you are, the more you deserve to earn and get compensated.

But the negative side of this is that everyone is so much concerned about their property that they turn the "economic merit" aspect into a vicious circle that prevents them from doing what's best for them, including for maintaining or increasing the productivity of the land. This may not be pleasant to hear, but the fact is that in order to build a profitable business, you need to know how to create a good working environment and make use of all available resources.

When I say "organic farming", I am referring to the concept of using an abundant amount of available natural resources for producing food at cheap rates. That's all, but the controversy is why there are so many people opposed to it. With some research and education, you can be able to break down all the misunderstandings surrounding the topic of whether or not we need organic farms.

Let me start by first identifying what exactly we need in order to sustain our own species. At first, I assume that you are going to assume that we need the food from animal products like meat, dairy, etc. because this is a very convenient way to obtain nutrition and that is something we all take pride in.

But it is clear that if there would be no animal products, then there would be a serious scarcity of freshwater and fertilizers on the planet. That means natural resources would have to be completely utilized by humans. In the end, what happens is that man's demand for resources surpasses the available supply and that is why we call it an ecological crisis.

One of the best solutions to this problem would be to start reducing our demand for the natural resources that we use and ask other people to stop using them. This is exactly what is called "democratization" of resources and that is precisely what we need in order to survive. If everybody stops using animal products, we can actually do so without any major repercussion.

There are many other resources that are entirely non-renewable, like coal, oil, etc. These resources may become so scarce that it may be difficult to find enough fertilizer to grow crops for example, but that is another story.

Here again, the biggest challenge is the fact that there are a lot of people in the world who have such little knowledge on what is really required in order to sustain the natural resources that we need to live. That is why it is so important to open the debate with everyone about what we really need in order to keep this planet alive.

I guess, what I'm trying to say is that if you are afraid of your future, then maybe you should think long and hard about whether or not you want to continue eating food that was grown in a way that will destroy the environment that you are currently living in. and perhaps if you are afraid of the fact that your children and their children might also be forced to eat food that was grown using an unsustainable resource, then you better consider it!

So many of us are afraid of certain circumstances in life, but at the same time, we tend to keep ourselves out of those places that are worse off because of it. Is this really healthy or is it not?

Do we need organic farms?

Do we need organic farms?

In today's society, if a person can demonstrate his usefulness in society and to the point where he earns money out of it, then he has a "right" Read More


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