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Toronto datacenter

Data center facilities consulting services
Premium Colocation Datacenter in Toronto
Building our newest datacenter in Toronto, we took every detail into the account, we worked hard, hired internal and external engineers as well as datacenter experts in order to come up with a unique, modern, efficient and highly reliable colocation and datacenter facility.
Nuday’s Remote Hands Level One service is one of our most requested offerings because clients leverage our expertise to manage, maintain and support their IT infrastructure without leaving their home office or traveling to our datacenter.
Our experienced technicians are on-site 24/7 and ready to support clients at all times.
With an emphasis on physical distancing measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, this contactless service helps businesses prioritize safety and maximize productivity by outsourcing a portion of their IT services to Nuday.

Included in the Remote Hands Level One service offering are shopping and receiving capabilities; clients can use the Nuday facility as a safe storage place for new hardware, software and other equipment, and pick it up when they’re ready to do so.
Remote Hands Support (Incident Based)
What tasks are part of the remote hands service, and how much does it cost?
Hardware Maintenance
Power recycling and Restarting equipments
Performing a visual check
Changing a network port or devices
Replacing, plugging and unplugging a hard drive
Connecting, disconnecting and replacing USB drives
Simple network settings like IP assignments
New Hardware Install or Replacement
#Torontodatacentre #FullRackColocation #Customcolocation #datacenter #datacentre #colo #Toronto #fullrack #Colocation #colocationservice #Canada #Relocation
Source: Nuday Networks
Related Post: Datacenter
Toronto datacenter

Toronto datacenter
