Zvonimir Juranko's profile

Reastaurant App - Augumented Reality & Map

A very simple showcase of an Augumented Reality combined with a Mobile Location experience.

On the first screen, the user, by pointing at restaurant or bar, see current special offer, detailed info and can book / check availability of the tables. Special offer is presented as glowing pointing arrows towards the location. Clicking on the NEARBY button, user opens the second screen.

On the second screen, user can, through the locations map, find out nearby restaurants or bars with special offers. He's able to filter to narow the desired results as well as check details or even call the specific place.​​​​​​​
User experience from this showcase is applicable not just to bars and restaurants, but to all places which offer various products or services. Any of the screens can have a specific variation of elements and content based on the service. 
Additional content: Accessibility elaboration

Color and Contrast:

There are roughly 300 million people who are colorblind. 

* I tried to make design presentable for people with colorblindness
* I tried to use special effects like transparency, blur and gradient as less intrusive as possible to preserve colors and text contrasts
From left to right is how the colors are displayed for people with color dissability: Red-Weak/Protanomaly, Green-Weak/Deuteranomaly, Blue-Weak/Tritanomaly, Red-Blind/Protanopia, Green-Blind/Deuteranopia, Blue-Blind/Tritanopia,  Monochromacy/Achromatopsia, Blue Cone Monochromacy
Easy-to-Read Text:

* I have used large bold font and high contrast type (Bold/medium bold vs light) to make text as much readable as possible 
* I followed a simple style to keep text information easy to comprehend. I made all text blocks in the design short and clear to provide a seamless integration of text content
Buttons and spacing:

* I kept buttons and tappable sections large enough to be clearly visible and easy to tap which is really useful for users with motor disorders
* I used icons & illustrations to the text to enhance buttons perception by disabled people. For instance, people with different degrees of color blindness can’t really perceive
*I followed the rule that there should be enough free space around buttons and text. This way the presented content have more "breathing" space

When designing it’s necessary to bear in mind relevant accessibility guidelines and strictly follow them throughout the whole design process.
Design with accessibility in mind.​​​​​​​
Thank you!
Reastaurant App - Augumented Reality & Map

Reastaurant App - Augumented Reality & Map

Restaurant app based on Augmented Reality & Location Map experience
