The character from Banksy's artwork "Girl with balloon" got life. She uses a simple symbol, a red heart, to spread the love in different urban areas.

Project in collaboration with Ovidiu Bojor (instagram: ovidiubojor)
It all started with an idea...
and this was the first video that we made. All we wanted was to make something simple with a strong massage: SPREAD THE LOVE!
"Girl with balloon at the subway entrance."
"Girl with ballon in the elevator. Spreading love in all homes."
"Girl with ballon tagging love on traffic lights. No matter the weather or time of the day, she spreads the love around on her way."
"Girl with balloon in BCN subway. Where everything is grey and people are just passing by, a heart can make you smile."
"Banksy's girl with balloon covers separation with love. She tags over the yellow ribbons in Barcelona."
All around us there is color. So why do we sometimes feel that it's missing? What does this word even mean: a feeling? a thought? a memory? life?

What color are you now?
Spread The Love

Spread The Love

Soul project
