This project aims to question the interaction between individuals, and productions designed in graphic design using digital machines.
These are puzzles of different difficulty levels, designed at Fablab. When we complete them, we can, thanks to augmented reality, see a short animation. Augmented reality,
then adds a finality to the game, where the puzzle comes to life. It is a double interaction project, on the one hand with the puzzle, and on the other hand with digital support.
The visuals represent icons from 80’s video games. This refers to the emergence of this interface and videogame interaction. I also refer to pixel art and mosaïc, by the principle
of the puzzle and the shape of the pieces. I also chose this concept for its playful and interactive aspect.
The difficulty of some puzzles makes it possible to complete them together, which promotes exchange and sharing between individuals.
Augmented fossil

Augmented fossil

Puzzles assistés avec de la réalité augmenté / Augmented reality Puzzles designed at Fablab.
