~ Happy Pride Month 2020 everyone! ~

Here's something I drew in celebration of all that we as a community has overcome, and how proud I am of how far I've personally come too! It's a cartoony self-portrait of myself standing tall with my identity and the happiness that self-acceptance, genera; acceptance, and inclusivity brings!

I know there’s been a lot going on and events are either cancelled or postponed for the time being, but we can still always be proud of who we are! We can still spread our voices and our love! I love being apart of this community so much, everyone is so wonderful! We’re all so much stronger than those who try to put us down. Here’s to the better times coming our way! Stay loud, stay proud, and most importantly, stay safe! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
The LGBT community is a beautiful and strong one! We are human beings, not debate topics or walking political agendas. We are people who are celebrating nothing more than our right to exist without persecution or danger. Pride month is not, nor has it ever been about claiming we're better than anyone else. We're not putting down anyone, that's not what Pride is about. We've spent years and years in a system that raises us to hate ourselves or view ourselves as broke or wrong, and Pride exists to tell us that we're just as perfectly normal as anyone else and that we're allowed to love and accept ourselves. Pride exists to tell our community, "We see you, and you are not alone." 

We're stronger together, and there's strength in unity and kindness!
Be out, Be proud, Be safe!
(Artwork © Allison Gajewski, 2020)
Pride Month 2020

Pride Month 2020

Happy Pride Month 2020!
