Sidra Reza's profile

Oxfam | Alif Say Uraan

Oxfam x Tabadlab x Sidra Reza

Oxfam is a confederation of 19 independent charitable organizations focusing on the alleviation of global poverty. 

Tabadlab is a public policy think tank with consultancy services, an exchange for ideas, evidence and arguments about change. 

Tabadlab was working in collaboration with Oxfam on a campaign called ‘Alif Say Uraan’ aimed at establishing the demand for improved enrollment and allocation of resources for the education of girls across Pakistan. I was commissioned as an independent illustrator to take the lead on the visuals. The campaign required marketing on multiple levels including designed print merchandise such as notebooks, flyers, posters and caps.

The campaign visual focused on the positive aspect of girls in education i.e. with the right tools and resources in education, they could aim for any path they wanted for themselves. Be it science, tech, art, or sports, girls should be encouraged to excel in any field they choose. 
Key Visual
Oxfam | Alif Say Uraan

Oxfam | Alif Say Uraan
