Michał Przybyła's profile

Promised Promised Land

"Promised Promised Land"

Premiere: 29 IV 2019

script, direction: Katarzyna Raduszyńska
choreography: Artur Bieńkowski
set design, video and costumes: Paweł Walicki
music: Wojtek Zrałek-Kossakowski
voice workshop: Grzegorz Wierus

Cast: Amy Basley, Evelyn Blue, Julia Hałka, Paulina Jaksim, Victoria Kennett, Katarzyna Kulmińska, Katarzyna Rzetelska, Sandra Szatan, Emily Wong, Kacper Bożek, Jerzy Kaźmierczak, Dominik Kupka, Paweł Malicki, Brage Nordang, Michał Przybyła, Adrian Radwański, Dominik Więcek

Photos: Andrzej Grabowski
For 200,000 years of our existence on Earth, we have accomplished absolutely wonderful and good things, but also unimaginably bad things. Foreclosure, once known as natural selection, has become one of the basic principles that govern our world today. We, Homo Sapiens - are indeed the most developed species that have ever inhabited our planet, but we have forgotten that along with privileges go hand in hand. We are still eager to take advantage of privileges that sometimes take caricatured forms such as exploitation, slavery, racism, censorship, discrimination, the right to appear above and punish others, deportations and much, much more.
Trying to understand why pride and conviction about our own omnipotence took us, the creators of the spectacle look at the concept of exclusion not only from the point of view of the excluded, but above all those that exclude.
What lies behind all these activities? The latest performance of the Polish Dance Theater is an epic story about our history, read as the eternal history of exclusion - from the Big Bang to 2019 from atom to artificial intelligence. Viewers will have the opportunity to look particularly closely at Man and his actions in the name of broadly understood rights. When did we find ourselves today? Is it the most appropriate for our species? Do we still have time? Are we in the middle of the end of time?
And maybe let's prick this balloon, which we all clung to and fly - because are we really so better than those who remained on earth? 
What will we see from above? Promised Land or inverted utopia?
Promised Promised Land

Promised Promised Land
