Workflow Information Architecture.
Allergen Summary Report with total count and individual particle category counts. Outdoor report features individual pollen particles. Bar Chart are easy to comprehend due to height differences and their vertical nature, which is favored by the human eye as they are unidirectional.
Indoor reports have chunking of data, like the pollen are stacked as one group to avoid repeats.
Allergen Size details allow HVAC dealers to do business on other hardware like air filters with home owners.
Photograph of allergen particles with coloration opens up for story telling moments between HVAC Professional and Home owner.
Users can switch between a colored and black and white view.
Page with individual Allergen species and their details makes the user more informed and spreads awareness, a design with value.
Adding of jobs from anywhere in the app is very easy and allows multiple entry points, even users can create new jobs on the fly.
Allowing process to happen in background breeds user agency, Reminders prevent human errors.
Providing status and prevention of repetitive tasks facilitates right information at right time.
On context menu transition and icons provides recognition which is always better than recall.
Users can see visual progress of the analysis happening.
Selection of multiple locations (bulk operation) for analysis is added as part of scalability.
Multiple location analysis in progress.
Knowing various status like Sync strength with the device, battery condition removes ambiguity and paves Agency.
The Failures during progress is also shown and this further removes ambiguity.
Long press can bring up a selection wheel
Pollen colors acted as an inspiration for data viz colors
Allergen Sensing

Allergen Sensing
