Rena Johnson's profile

Georgia State Parks and Recreational Areas

Georgia State Parks and Recreational Areas

I am very excited to be starting a new project to help Georgia State Parks. I cannot share all the details yet, but it is going to be very exciting!

Many of our local, state and federal parks have faced some difficult times over the last few years due to budgets cuts, etc.. I am going to do all I can to help the parks in any way I can. I encourage you to do the same, whether it is through donations of time, money, energy, talents, skills or whatever you have to offer for the greater good of the parks. 

For details on some of the other ways we are helping the parks, please visit the link at the left called "Georgia State Parks Project". 
Your State Parks Day: Captured at FDR State Park after a hard day's work by many wonderful volunteers. 
North Georgia Mountains holds a new magical moment around every corner if you just take the time to stop and enjoy it. 
Cloudland Canyon State Park Main Overview: You can see for miles and miles from this vantage point. 
Last large set of stairs as you head back up from the Canyon floor at Cloudland Canyon State Park
The first waterfall we visted at Cloudland Canyon State Park. Its so beautiful and peaceful there. I cannot wait to go back. 
One of my favorite moments just as the sun set below the horizon during the Sunset Boat Tour at Stephen Foster State Park. 
A bit of light painting to show off the canal underneath the Milky Way at Stephen C Foster State Park.
Milky Way over Stephen C Foster State Park
Minnehaha Falls in North Geogia: A beautiful location with easy access that entire families can enjoy. 
Many myths and old remedies surround this plant captured at FDR State Park. 
This image was captured in a field out by the old CCC campground at FDR State Park. Even though a tornado had ravaged the area, beauty was still everywhere to be seen! 
Chattahoochee State Park has so many amazing sights to be seen. This was one of many such flowers that covered the side of a field there as we walked along one of the gorgeous nature trails. 
Beautiful morning glories in bloom along the trail down to the wildlife observation tower at Cloudland Canyon State Park
Distant waterfall that can be seen from the main overlook at Cloudland Canyon State Park
Georgia State Parks and Recreational Areas

Georgia State Parks and Recreational Areas


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