Parallax Fashion Show

Parallax refers to parallel worlds and with this theme in 2017 the Creativa University elaborated this fashion show, for the event all kinds of pieces were elaborated, including all the graphic image, photographs, assembly, packaging and creative direction.
The photographs after going through adjustments in lights and color, were worked in photoshop to create the effect of glich with modifications in the color masks.

This with each of the model's images and then adding filters of clouds and stars referring to the theme of parallel worlds.
Client: Universidad Creativa
Creative Director: Rob Chamaeleo
Art Director: José Fernandez
Photography: Mateos Muñoz
Graphic Design: Sergio Villafuerte
                           Daniela Rojas



Parallax refers to parallel worlds and with this theme in 2017 the Creativa University elaborated this fashion show, for the event we elaborated Read More
