There was a challenge on Instagram for artists. They asked us to illustrate a character that had a unique energy. I saw the challenge after it got over, but I tried it out anyway :)
One of my favourite animated shows ever. Had to illustrate one of my favourite scenes from the show.
One of my favourite Indian snacks. Remember drawing this after my dad brought back some bajji's from one of our favourite stalls.
This is a little illustration I did for one of my friends "Anti-Smoking" Campaigns . Had a lot of fun illustrating this.
Here's another colour variation for the previous project.
Based off Kevin Abstracts song "Empty".
Just some art of one of my favourite albums of all time.
Pop Art


Pop Art

Here's some pop art that I did out over the past year. I designed these pieces on Sketchbook Pro and Photoshop. Hope you enjoy it.
