Graded Unit 2

With our graded unit 2, like with our character unit 2. It was a combination of all my skills and similar to the first graded unit. We had 5 weeks to do all the research, modelling and animating. 

For my graded unit I decided to do something different and experiment with something new. I chose a completely different style, going for a more cell shaded look. As I wanted to try something new and explore different areas so my unit would stand out against others.

Since we had less time compared to the last graded unit I feel like I had to do as much research as possible in a short time so I could focus on modelling as I ended up taking more than half the time to create the environment in the style that I wanted.
The final animation for my Graded Unit 2, we had 5 weeks to create an idea, research it and then design and animate it.
A more detailed look at the moon in the animation.
A more detailed look at the Planet.
A full view of the scene where I made the animation.
Graded Unit 2

Graded Unit 2
