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In order to guide visitors and ensure they are not lost among so many stores and points of interest, three interactive directories (which we call DISPLAX Pathfinder) were placed in strategic locations: IKEA’s entrance, food court and a main corridor.
Each directory has two interactive LCDs, installed on both sides of its robust metal structure. Thus, multiple people can interact with the wayfinding application, which includes several useful features, such as: interactive map that allows the discovery of the quickest path to a store or service, news, information on vouchers, cinema and contacts, and a form for comments.
Even when no one is touching the screen, relevant contents are displayed, relating to promotions, events and news.
Adapting to each user, the application is available in two languages ​​(Spanish and English) and, for people with disabilities, it shows the route that uses lifts, instead of escalators.
Fast and reliable interactive hardware, intuitive application and backoffice that allows remote configuration of contents and analysis of usage statistics. These three elements are part of a complete package that EDIGMA developed specifically for RÍO Shopping, with the aim of boosting the countless attractions of this innovative shopping center!


In 2008, EDIGMA was chosen to equip MAR Shopping, the largest shopping center in Northern Portugal, with several interactive solutions. Four ye Read More
