The Wild Will Kill | Integrated Campaign

The Brief: 
We were asked to create a campaign to create awareness about a social issue. We chose to tackle the misconception about wild animals and how friendly they are in game parks or on safari.

The Solution:
We created a tongue-in-cheek campaign about how not to lose a limb in the wild, giving people advice on how one could avoid losing a limb. We had a basic tip of 'keep your windows closed'. This would forbid patrons from hanging out windows, prevent animals from getting in and all around protect people from the wild. 

The campaign comprised of a series of posters, print ads, and a survival kit that patrons could purchase while visiting the park. these posters and print ads would run in the relevant wildlife magazines and be placed around parks in South Africa. The survival kit included lion repellant spray, a trauma blindfold, blood splatter protective coat a guide on how not to lose a limb and the most important - a sticker to put over the buttons on electric windows to keep you from opening them during your game drive - and several varieties of stuffed limbs for children. This emphasised the severe repercussions on not following basic park rules.

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The Wild Will Kill | Integrated Campaign

The Wild Will Kill | Integrated Campaign

This is an integrated campaign to create awareness about the danger of wild animals in national parks across South aAfrica
