安格高鈣乳酪 ANGE CHEESE CAKE|Brand Identity

ANGE CHEESE CAKE | Brand Identity 品牌識別規劃
Angu cheese cake, located in Tainan, is a pure hand baked cheese cake as the main commodity. It is produced by strictly selecting high-quality raw materials. It must go through complicated processes. It is only to show the purest and natural taste of food materials. The taste is soft, dense, rich and not greasy, which makes people happy.
The overall recognition takes simplicity and elegance as the design principal axis, fully displaying the high quality of the brand, while the color planning takes the deep blue and sweet soft pink as the standard color of the brand, so as to create the quality of fashion boutiques. In the business card processing, two pieces of paper are used for mounting, so that the business card has a sense of weight in hand, and then presents a delicate vision through double-sided gilding.
Client | 安格高鈣乳酪蛋糕
Design Agency | METAMORPH LAB 物形設計研究室
Art Direction | Mark Chen
Photographyer | Ferguson Chang
Year | 2020
安格高鈣乳酪 ANGE CHEESE CAKE|Brand Identity

Project Made For

安格高鈣乳酪 ANGE CHEESE CAKE|Brand Identity

位於台南的安格高鈣乳酪蛋糕,以純手工現烤乳酪蛋糕為主打商品,秉持嚴選高品質原料生產製作,必經繁複工序,只為展現食材最純粹、天然的美味,入口即感受到柔軟綿密、濃郁而不膩的滋味,讓人意猶未盡滿滿的幸福感。 整體識別以簡約、優雅為設計主軸,充分展現品牌高級的氣質,則色彩規劃以象徵知性高貴的深藍色 Read More
