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Rewind - Music app

How many times did a song make you think of someone or something?

If this happens to you a lot, then you may like Rewind.

With Rewind you can select one among 60 million songs* and link memories to it. A memory is a unique collection of text, pictures and contacts that you associate with a song.

You can Rewind your memories at any time and just enjoy the moment, or contact the people that were with you to share your emotions with them.

By noticing how friends associate the same songs to different memories, you will discover similarities and differences, different association patterns, new ways to look at their favourite songs and people.

To enhance this aspect, we are planning to implement social media features in Rewind. It will feature online account creation, direct sharing of memories, interaction between users, a common wall where the users will share their memories.

Play your songs, Rewind your memories.

Rewind - Music app

Rewind - Music app
