Furniture Row

Reasserting trustworthiness with a dedicated customer-base.

Furniture Row is one of the largest mid-market furniture chains in the nation. Their in-house fabric and protection line, AllAway is top of the line. However, the packaging was extremely dated and unconsidered.

Through an updated and refined design aesthetic, it was our goal to adjust the consumer’s perception of AllAway as a more premium and and trustworthy product. Despite an unconsidered aesthetic, their dedicated client base was purchasing about 1000 units of cleaner weekly, it was in our best interest to leverage brand equity where possible: the shield remained, and everything else received a welcomed clean-up.

Client: Furniture Row
Services: Logo Design, Art Direction, Package Design, Collateral Design
Support: Sara Butteman
BEFORE (left)         |       AFTER (right)
BEFORE (left)         |       AFTER (right)
The old logo was quite outdated. The typography was unrefined and unconsidered, the drop shadows and gradients felt unprofessional, the sharks inside the badge boarder were wildly irrelevant, and as seen above, the logo was not scalable.

Our brand and packaging updates repositioned AllAway as a trustworthy, refined brand and considering scalability with a timeless aesthetic.

The previous packaging solution hid the individual product names in the slew of text, the hierarchy wasn't as product-focused as it needed to be, and color usage was minimal, thus furthering the difficulty with product distinction.
Focused on bettering the environment, AllAway products are earth friendly, biodegradable and/or water-based. We worked to highlight that messaging on both the front of the bottle as well as the label wrap around.
Our rebrand considered a number of factors:

1. The product purpose took precedence. The name was placed at the top of the label where it could be more easily read.

2. Color was more boldly and intentionally incorporated, aiding in product recognition.

3. Fabric textures were incorporated into the color, further establishing intended surface usage.

4. The logo placement shows a division of the surface it’s intended to clean and a pristine white space, representing the cleanliness achieved through using the product.
For more, check out our website
or follow along on Instagram.
Furniture Row


Furniture Row

Reasserting trustworthiness with a dedicated customer-base. Furniture Row is one of the largest mid-market furniture chains in the nation. Their Read More
