When i was trying to visualize what i wanted my business card to say, i had way to many ideas. There were a lot of things i thought of, that i wanted to incorporate. My love for flowers and nature, my fascination with the occult en magical. But also my love for playing cards and board games.
For a long time i also had the dream of making a tarot card set. I was in love with the imagery and the metaphors of those classic cards and was honestly quite jealous of the creators. But i also didn't want to recreate them, or make tacky copies of those cards. 

So eventually while i was designing my own business card that you can see here, i simultaneously came up with the concept of my own version of the tarot cards. 
One of which i made incorporating my own business card as a sort of joke that the visitors were meant to meet me 
Business card

Business card

My search for, and eventual designing of my business card. The look of which I based on the design of playing cards and Tarot cards
