Segment - An Agile Workspace

While group working is still predominant within the higher education environment, the need for boundaries and personal space is a very important factor to consider when designing a space that works. Segment caters for both of these working styles.

Segment is ideal for individual work as the subtle cutaways divide the space into quarters. These cutaways give the impression of personal space and work 'zones', providing people with a sense of privacy. This work space also lends itself to group work; the subtle gaps do not interfere with the user's work, allowing for them to span their work across the table top and collaborate efficiently. 

Research Report
Research was carried out to help identify the user, environment and overall direction of the project. A Research Report was written to communicate and document the findings from the sources used.

Research Methods
An array of research methods were used; ethnographic research, focus groups, direct interviews and task-analysis were carried out alongside in-depth secondary research.

If you would like a copy of the aforementioned Research Report, please get in touch.

After the problems identified above were established, the focus moved to understanding the user in more depth. The prior research instantly pointed towards the need for a flexible workspace, one that works for both extroverted and introverted students.

Whilst some of the form was set to be driven by the function, the direction and CMF treatment still needed to be established. This would be vital for the overall appeal of the item of furniture. 

Sketches started off being loose doodles in an A5 note pad. Whilst not pretty, they communicate the designs in an effective manner and were a vital part of development. The sketches then progressed onto digital form, for more refined and intense development.
So, what is Segment?
Segment is a flexible workspace that is designed from use within the higher-education environment. 
The worktop is split into four sections, or segments, using four cut-outs which hold a multitude of purposes. 
Optional Privacy
Removable partitions can be inserted in the four slots, this transforms the desk into a permanently separated table, making it ideal for hot-desking and more permanent desks.  

The partitions also bring another benefit with them alongside privacy; the upholstered finish introduces an element of acoustic dampening, reducing the noise levels in the room allowing the user to achieve a higher level of focus. 

Integrating wireless charging pads into the table free's up the plug sockets in the centre of the table. It also brings, what is often an out-dated product, into the current day.

Channels are milled into the underside of the table-top to provide routing for the cables from the wireless chargers that are integrated into the tabletop.

Each high-education establishment strictly adheres to the pre-existing facility guidelines. These are most distinguishable by their colours, which are individual to each University. By offering the option for specific elements of Segment to be customised, it would allow the item of furniture to harmonise with its surroundings. 

The online configurator would allow for this to be achieved, prior to the ordering point.

A two-metre wide piece of furniture is never going to be the most convenient to manoeuvre and transport, but it can be made a little easier by careful consideration. Segment splits into it's parts in a intuitive and straight-forward manner. This not only allows the set-up time to be reduced, but also makes it able to change location during the course of its life.



While group working is still predominant within the higher education environment, the need for boundaries and personal space is a very important Read More
