Veerle B's profile

Netflix for Elderly - UXD

CMD Third year minor: User Experience Design
Case study

For the course 'Big Information Architecture' during the minor: User Experience Design, there had to be an improvement on the user interface of the Netflix website for elderly people. There had to be a thought Information Architecture, so the target group can easily navigate trough the website.

Current Netflix sitemap
To get to know the structure, content en information architecture (IA) of Netflix, I’ve made a sitemap of the current website of Netflix. You can see this one below.
User test analysis
Because of the Corona19 virus, I couldn’t plan face to face user tests on the current Netflix website with the target group. Because of this I did a test analysis on Netflix myself. 

The goal with this method was to see which steps the user is taking and which pages and content they come across on their way to watch a movie. The analysis and the different steps you can see below.

Steps user test
1. Choose profile
2. Search for a comedy movie
3. Choose a movie and read a little bit about it
4. Like it
5. Put it in ‘my list’
6. Watch it
7. Still in ‘my list’?
Competition research
Before I did interviews with the target group by phone, I researched the competition of Netflix. You can see the research in the assignment document here.
Because of the Corona19 virus, I couldn’t reach the specific target group. That’s why I did interviews and usability testing (on the current Netflix website) with people from 60 years or older. These interviews and usability testing were handled by phone. I did 4 interviews with 3 women and 1 man.

The goal of doing the interviews was to get to know whether the IA & functionalities of Netflix work well for the target group. And also to see what things could be changed, add, or removed to make things clearer and to make a better experience.

You can read the interviews and most important insights here.
User goals with search strategies
After the field research, interviews, usability testing, and DETAILS I’ve defined the user goals. The user goals are linked to the 6 search strategies I used from Donna Spencer. Also, you find a short description of where the user goal will be applied. 
New sitemap Netflix + search strategies
Underneath you will see the adjusted sitemap. On the sitemap, the search strategies are added which gives an overview of where the adjustments in the website are taking place.The elements in purple are adjusted or new elements.
Here you will see 4 flowcharts which describes 4 scenarios of the user. The flowcharts with the scenarios are linked to the search strategies. The user doesn’t have to go through a lot of steps to go to their goal. 

New elements within scenario's
- The voice command will make the search to known items easier on TV
- The ‘my matches’ page gives the user personalised content they can watch
- The personalised promos at the top of Netflix will give the user inspiration of 
   what to watch
- The ‘my list’ page will give the user a clearer view of all the new things they 
   have saved to watch later.
Wireframes TV - homepage & my matches page
Within the wireframes underneath you will see the search strategies in yellow, the user goals in blue and a legenda in pink about all the elements on the page.
Content model & detailed content model
Here you see the proposal of the content model. It consist out of ‘member’, ‘movie’, ‘serie’, and ‘episode’. The content model is on the right worked out in detail. Within each section of the content model you find the different content items it need to have.
There are small adjustments in the IA of the website, and a new page instead of another, which makes things for the user easier, more relevant, and more clear. 

Personalised promos & my matches page
With the adjusted version of Netflix, the user get personalised promos of movies and series which have a high match with what they already have seen. They can also find these movies and series with a high match on the ‘my matches’ page. In this way they can get sooner and easier to their goals. Also, Netflix get to know their users better, and give them even better content over time.

Voice command on TV
Within Netflix on TV, the user can also search through voice command. This makes it easier and faster to search for content, and get them faster to their goals.

My list & watch again separately
This way, the user will know what they already watched, and what they still need to watch. Because of this they can scan easier through the content, and will get them faster to their goals.

Better short description
Now that there is a better short description of movies and series on Netflix, the user can choose easier what new content they like to watch, and get them faster to their goals.
the whole research and created IA you can find here.
Berkhout, L. (z.d.). Netflix heeft meer populaire TV Series dan HBO. Geraadpleegd op 10 mei 2020, van
Netflix for Elderly - UXD

Netflix for Elderly - UXD

Third year course during minor: User Experience Design
