The Anthropocene
The Waste and Consumerism Exhibition

Today, the earth is suffering from numerous environmental problems for instance: climate change, the various types of pollution etc. We are living in the age of the Anthropocene. It is defined as “earth’s most recent geologic time period as being human-influenced, or anthropogenic, based on overwhelming global evidence that atmospheric, geologic, hydrologic, biospheric and other earth system processes are now altered by humans.” 

The exhibition will showcase the impacts of our mass consumerism as a human race and how much waste we contribute as a result also leading to pollution. It also aims to show people the dire impacts of our actions on the earth whilst creating a more intimate experience through the spatial planning of the different photographs.  The photographs selected show the impacts of our consumerism from macro to micro scale. 

Plastic crates and wooden pallets will be the main structure to hold the photographs and will be used to create different spaces throughout the venue. The crates and pallets would be reused ones from markets or factories, to visually show the severity of our consumerism. 

View 2

The projections are extremely large scale, drowning out the viewer. The images also change fast, hence intensifying the flickering effect, creating a rather stressful and tense environment for the viewer.  The intention is to ‘guilt-trip’ the viewer because we are all responsible for this.
View 1                                                                                                                                          Section DD

Layout of the space

Section AA
Section BB
Section CC

The Anthropocene


The Anthropocene

Year 3 project done while in The Glasgow School of Art Singapore in 2019.
