By Athaya Nabila Fajri Putri
Hatching or hachure in French is an artistic technique used to create tonal or shading effects by drawing closely spaced parallel lines. I've been loving how this hatchinig technique turns out. Its simplicity is truly what made this technique special. Who knew lines can create shadings?
Lined Rose: This rose drawing is made on A5 paper with only Sarasa 0.5 blue gel pen. I incorporated lines to createe shading. The technique is hatching in which I use line to help create depth in the drawing. 
Lady and her Hat: An artwork made on A5 paper with inked brush from Japan. I use hatching to create shading for the neck area ni which I made it line by line. This was made for 10 minutes on a Saturday afternoon.
Made by Hatching

Made by Hatching

A few drawings made with hatching as the main technique


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