Michael Tollin's profile

Wand Stand Project

Wand Stand Project

I have been a fan of the Harry Potter series since I was in high school and a few years ago I got the chance to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, Florida. Since my Florida trip, I have begun to slowly collect wands from the series and I wanted a way to display my collection. Below is my work on how I designed and built a custom wand stand
I first planed my design using Autodesk Inventor. My plan was to have the stand be made out of 3 pieces, with one being the vertical block that would hold the wands along with two identical base pieces that would be attached on either side. I also looked for images of antique mantel clocks and other Victorian style furniture to use as inspiration for the curves and decorative features of the stand.
Two identical bases would be attached to either side of the vertical stand piece
Holes would be drilled out of the stand for hooks that the wands would rest on
Rendered image of the design idea
The build for the stand essentially followed my original plan with it being made out of 3 pieces of cherry wood that were cut, glued and sanded together. The stand was then finished with stain and polyurethane coats.
Completed wand stand
I am very please on how this project turned out! It did not take that long to complete with only gluing and staining being the most time consuming process. I do feel however, that I would like to revisit this project at some point with maybe using a laser engraver to etch in a quote or design from the Harry Potter series into the base, or maybe even making an entirely new stand that would fit more of the design aesthetic of the series.
Wand Stand Project

Wand Stand Project

A stand for holding wands from the Harry Potter franchise
