I believe that every encounter we have in life is predestined. For better, for worse, everyone we meet leaves a footprint in our life journey. Thus, their existence in our lives are to be appreciated. Specifically, for me, the most beautiful moment is always the first time we lay eyes on each other. A little bit of curiosity, a little bit of interest, a little bit nerve-wracking. That's the beauty of the first impression....

In this artwork, I try to bring out the purity of the moment which two innocent creatures meet for the first time. The time freezes while both of them experience the bizarre connection under the golden sunshine. The boy totally forgets what he was doing. Instead, he is drawn to the big, furry friend that lives inside the woods. Just one touch of the little boy and it signals the start of something new. It foreshadows the friendship that is going to be lifelong and life-changing. Alors, c'est simplement Enchanté.

This started out as just the final project of my digital drawing class; however, I was so in love with the artwork that I decided to make an animation for it using After Effects. Below you can find the complete process of the artwork, starting from some sketches to the coloring process. Finally, there is an animation for the artwork at the end of the project.




In this artwork, I try to bring out the purity of the moment which two innocent creatures meet for the first time. The time freezes while both of Read More
