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Week 7 Design Critique

Three typefaces were used on the lush Snow Fairy shower gel bottle.
The typefaces relate well to each other as they each are suitable for the task they are used for. The Typeface for the description of the product services its purpose in being readable and eligible without being stylistic. The Typeface for the Lush logo is bold and similar to that of the description Typeface only that its larger scaled glyphs make the logo stand out more. The typeface for the bottle title is effective in providing an aesthetic appeal to the bottle while also conveying the audience it is intended for. Therefore, they all complement one another; the title is aesthetically pleasing and conveys the audience it is meant for, the description typeface is generic and eligible – as it should be, and the Typeface for the Company logo has a large scaling and so stands out. 
The designers used the space and alignment to organise text well. The three typefaces had a central alignment meaning the typeface, or text, was aligned directly in the middle of the products label. This created an aesthetic appeal to the products label, as it effectively presents the short bits of text on the bottle in a way to draws attention to the text while creating more open space around the text.  
One of the most notable treatments used to differentiate the text was size. The products label had a much larger size than that of the product information just below it. This is because the lush company believed the product itself to be more important than the information of the product as it is generally the title which attracts the customers. The next most noticeable treatment was that of colour, the typeface was made white against a pink background. This was because the contrast of white on pink typeface allowed the text to be easily eligible while also conveying the target audience for the product. 
The other elements on the label include images, quantity descriptions, rules and instructions on how to use, background colours of white and pink – the main label side.
I personally believe that the label is both effective and aesthetically pleasing due to its minimalistic design choice that is effective in displaying the intended audience of the brand as well as the intended style. 
The organisation of elements to ensure large spatial distances between each element allows the products label to feel less cluttered while also having some sort of aesthetic structure too it. Structure is essential for a label to be efficient in advertising itself to the market as it ensure that the label is both presentable and legible.
Week 7 Design Critique

Week 7 Design Critique
