Nat Sany's profile


It’s a sad but very modern paradox. Despite the many wonderful opportunities and options like education, technologies, internet resources, and travel that are open to young people today, young people’s mental health today has never been so fragile. Looking at oneself is a timeless concept. We are constantly trying to figure out how to represent ourselves in our own brains.

Concept Development 
Changes from smart phones to the ways of socializing make people rely too much on app tools to beautify and show themselves, and finally lose themselves. Sometimes they even take some exaggerated and meaningless images to gain more recognition and attention. Therefore, in terms of brand logo, I'd like to convey the multi-facets of people in a more intuitive manner, so I finally choose the orientation of facial contour. There are 3 ways of auxiliary graph, namely, the partial reservation left by the gradient, the extension from the center and the overlapping. All of them echo the theme and symbolize different faces of people and that the one you see is not necessarily the true self. 

Booklet Design 
I have compiled my understanding of beauty apps and the resulting visual experience into a book and designed a transparent tote. The main visual elements I comprehended are integrated into the book binding, implying the production process of these beautiful photos in the social apps is transparent and imaginable. It also reflects that most people in modern community are demonstrating their good side in an open and transparent way. 

Interaction Design
Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, I understand this is a normal psychological need. However, over-reliance on a certain technological means will lead to various problems, such as a waste of time, security issues, etc. As a designer, I want to express this phenomenon by visual language in this project. A H5 test is arranged in the end to allow people to participate in, more intuitively feel this phenomenon and trigger reflection. 


