
"Electric Sportbike" | DUCATI
January, 2016 

Ducati Motorcycle

The world is progressing towards reasonable transportation, however motorcycle producers appear to be hesitant to accept new advances like electric drive. The design task will be tackled with a human centered design approach. Three factors determine the project scope; ergonomics, safety and user experience. The drivers are operating the vehicle most of their time, so the ergonomic factor play a central role in the design, both physical and cognitive. When a motorcyclist is choosing his next motorcycle, he is considering details that are a lot more different from those when looking to buy a car. It is not irrelevant the fact that when a potential car buyer is looking a car, in which he is interested, firstly steps back to have a full image of the body and the shape but in the case of a potential motorcycle buyer, firstly he steps more close to see the details of the engine and the frame quality and then tends to have a more complete view.

世界正朝着合理的交通方式发展,然而摩托车制造商似乎对接受像电力驱动这样的改进犹豫不决。设计任务将采用以人为本的设计方法。三个因素决定了项目的范围; 人机工程学、安全性和用户体验。驾驶员大部分时间都在驾驶车辆,因此人体工程学因素在设计中发挥着核心作用,无论是身体上还是感知上。当一个摩托车手在选择他的下一辆摩托车时,他考虑的细节与买车时的细节有很大的不同。这不是无关紧要的事实, 当一个潜在的汽车买家正在寻找他感兴趣的一辆车时,第一步是考虑整体的外观,但是潜在的摩托车买家,他的第一步更愿意考虑引擎和车架的质量,然后才会有关于整体的更完整的考虑。

Services:                          Transport Design
Brand:                              Ducati
School:                            HSE Art & Design School (Top-150 QS by Subject)
Year:                                2020




