Design an experience that would inspire connection at VMworld 2016. Powerful, interactive engagements were crucial as over 23,000 visitors were scheduled to attend the five-day event and hear presentations on the latest in cloud infrastructure and business mobility technology. Presenters included global software thought leaders, executives, subject matter experts, and IT professionals.

​​​​​​​Creative Direction: Chris Radovich
Designers:  Chris Radovich, Yusuke Otsuka
Graphic Design: Kyle Lee

The experience included a 50-person theater, an expert bar, 48 demo stations, and the Mobility Zone, which showcased VMware’s cutting-edge virtual reality capabilities.

The Big Idea wall, an element from VMworld 2014, was reimagined in this new environment. This engagement evoked such a response at its past events that it was redesigned and reinstalled at VMworld 2016. The wall allowed visitors to directly interact with VMware products as they shared ideas that were instantly posted to the screen. These ideas were then recorded by VMware as future development opportunities.
Central to the design was an environment called “Global Impact Stories.” This space included three distinct zones, each featuring a different short film. The films highlighted VMware’s groundbreaking work in helping their partners bring mobile technology to healthcare workers in rural Africa, connecting dairy farmers to the cloud in India, and building educational applications for a natural-habitat zoo in the Netherlands.
Guests could walk through the zones and listen to audio through wireless headphones, allowing for an intensely personal connection with VMware’s work.


