Dear me - Chocolate Packaging

Dear me, 
Chocolate Gems by Tiffany & Co.

Driven by Charles Lewis Tiffany's passion and Dr. Kunz's tenacity to acquire beautiful and rare gems; Tiffany & Co. has a long and lasting legacy of discovery and a permanent search for the most extraordinary gems for its clients.

Tiffany's story has directed her brand voice towards men. To them who through the years accompany their love and attention towards us with jewels. This same tradition that fills us with warmth and love also gives us power. Power to know our value, power to know ourselves vulnerable. But at the same time being capable of being the reason to create special moments with ourselves.

As women feeling loved, thought and embraced by the details is something that empowers us and receive them by ourselves even more. This is what inspires the brand to keep the legacy part of its essence with a message that speaks and connects emotionally with us. We rely on the same extraordinary origins for the production of our chocolates. We have decided to give the shape of a gem to these chocolates in honor to the brand. Each one carefully built with the radiant beauty and name that characterises the mines of their origin.

The luxury given by Tiffany, accompanied by an elegance and idealism for self-esteem, is what makes the line of chocolates a luxury for you.

Dear me,  |  Chocolate Packaging

Master in Packaging Design - ELISAVA
Designers: Maria Benavides, Sabrina Osorio, Yolanda Santamaria
Tutors: Jesús Alonso, Miquel Campmany, Eva Minguella

Dear me - Chocolate Packaging