Los+ and Foun> is a space where Lesley students can immerse themselves in a stress-free environment. This solution is important as it provides students with a space where they can physically move their minds away from stress by immersing themselves in projected environments and surrounding themselves with corresponding relaxing audio. As you can see, I mocked this up in the Sims 4. 
The focus of this projects the LA+D identity, which I split into 3 motifs: the bracket, the 3, and the plus. These were used to customize the Los+ and Foun> clothing and space. The glyphs – the bracket and the plus sign, are respectively used to symbolize love and positivity. The half-bracket is paired with a number 3 to create an emoticon heart <3
The components, which were modded into my Sims game.
The final component of this project is immersion through projection. Projectors and speakers placed throughout the space enable students to immerse themselves in simulated environments. These devices also allow for fun immersive social gatherings where students can project video games, movies, and sounds and visuals for Dungeons & Dragons games. 
When people get stressed, they tend to lose themselves in a tempest of wild thoughts. Stress, for me, is an apocalyptic spiral that spits me into a deep pit. In my own mind it’s inescapable. However, I find that like a lot of people, I’ve always found solace in immersion – the nearly complete transfer of the consciousness. It is these environments where I lose myself and find myself once again, but in a happier space.
(Sorry about the statuses of the Sims. They didn't eat or sleep while I constructed the space.)
Lost+ and Foun)

Lost+ and Foun)
